Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Off To Uganda!

Hi Everyone,
It's finally almost here! After a year and a half of planning and preparation, I will be leaving for Uganda in 10 days! I am totally psyched for my next big adventure!

We'll be meeting up on March 2 in Philladelphia. We'll have two days of orientation there before boarding a bus for JFK where we'll fly out on 4th to Uganda via Brussels and Nairobi. It's then 3 months of language and technical traning before I'll be placed in my village in early June. That's where I'll spend the majority of my 2 years!

Many people have asked me whether I am nervous or anxious about my upcoming trip. The truth is, not at all. I just love being in the developing world so much. The sights, the sounds, the sense of adventure. Being in a totally foreign land is where I feel most comfortable and where I feel most alive. I live for the moment and without any regrets. I am totally happy.

I'm looking forward to sharing with all of you my new adventures. Please check back often as I will be updating this webpage w/ pictures and stories as often as I can!



The views expressed here are mine and in no way reflect those of the U.S. Peace Corps, any agency of the U.S. Government or the government of Uganda.